Help Center
Are you an animal lover looking for your next keyboard warmer? We may have the right furbaby for you!
John Cotton Memorial Animal Shelter has a demand for foster families. Fostering an animal is not only a benefit for our many animals, but also for you!
John Cotton Memorial Animal Shelter thrives on donations, if you would like, fill out the form and email it to us!
Colony Caregiver Identification
Feral Cat Colony Identification Form
Do you love to spend time and volunteer with animals? Fill out our form!
Facebook Page
Check out John Cotton Memorial Animal Shelter! An exciting Facebook page full of many updates including recent rescues, photographs, and animals.
To surrender an animal, fill out this form
Colony Sponsor
Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR)
Sponsor Application
Round UP
Would you like to donate to the John Cotton Memorial Animal Shelter?
If you are calling after regular scheduled times, please fill out this form and the Animal Control Officer should assist you shortly
Release to Rescue
For release to rescue, fill out this form

Release to Owner
Release to Owner
Additional comments, questions, or concerns?
You can get a hold of our animal control officer by email or phone.