under construction

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I keep an unlicensed vehicle in my yard?

a. all vehicles, trailers, boats, and campers/R.V.s must be licensed and in operable condition within the city limits.

2. Can I pile sticks, branches, and yard wastes on my property?

a. Yard wastes can be burned or taken to Star Hill when they are open.

3. What can I burn?

a. The only thing that is legal to burn in city limits is yard wastes, sticks, and branches, trash, building material, metal, or any item other than yard waste is illegal to burn and can result in a ticket.

4. Can I be on my property if it was deemed unfit for Human Occupancy?

a. You can be there between the hours of 9am and 5pm to try and bring the property up to code. There is to be no one living in it.

5. Can I keep unused appliances on my porch?

a. Appliances are not to be outside of a building unless all doors are removed from them.

6. Can I have a dumpster on my property?

a. The resident and/or home owner needs to be present in order for the inspector to enter the premises to complete the inspection.

7. Do I need a building permit to repair my property?

a. Most of the time, yes. There are some things that do not require a permit, but most repairs and updates do. We also need to make sure a floodplain permit is not needed. These are vital to our community and if we don’t stay compliant with the floodplain stands, out tr town could lose access to flood insurance.

8. Do I need to be present when a building inspection is done?

a. The resudebt abd ir hine iwber beeds to be present in order for the inspector to enter the premises to complete the inspection.

9. I have a yellow paper taped to my door, is that a ticket?

a. That is a violation notice. The Code Enforcement Officer will put a yellow notice on your door to explain what violations they noticed. Another copy of that is also mailed to you.

10. Do abandoned properties have to be torn down?

a. Not all abandoned properties are a danger to the community. They do however need to be completely locked up or boarded up to keep people out of them. If the building is thought to be dangerous, the Code Enforcement officer takes the proper steps to gain entry of the property and gathers factual information to bring forth to the Building Commissioner to take the next steps with the property.


Who do I contact when I have questions or concerns about violations, buildings, or codes?

Contact Charlee Smith, Code Enforcement Officer. The officer is the only one who knows how or why you received a violation and what steps are needed to resolve them. The phone number is 573 754 4132 ext 225. If there is no answer, please leave a message on the answering machine and you will be called back. The email address is If you would like to stop in for an in person conversation, Code Enforcement is on the 1st Floor of City Hall locate 202 S. 3rd St.